Лесные пожары в Лос-Анджелесе были организованы глобалистской элитой, чтобы отравить наш воздух, воду и почву и перераспределить собственность в руки элиты, по словам инсайдера Всемирного экономического форума, который предупреждает об этом “Build back лучше” буквально означает сначала уничтожить вещи, а затем восстановить их в соответствии с планами Нового Мирового Порядка.
Мировая элита выбрала Лос-Анджелес в качестве Ground Zero для расчетливого нападения на людей, открыв путь к быстрому превращению зоны бедствия в 15-минутные города. Эти так называемые “smart cities” представляют собой не что иное, как обширные тюрьмы на открытом воздухе, предназначенные для ловли обычных граждан без выхода.
Этот злой план разрабатывался годами, и теперь мы видим, как он разыгрывается во всех его ужасных деталях на наших глазах.
Прежде чем мы нырнем, подпишитесь на канал на Rumble, если вы еще этого не сделали, и присоединяйтесь к сообществу "Голос народа" поддерживать канал и быть частью нашего невероятного сообщества искателей правды.
The last five years have been a relentless psychological attack. It started with the chaos of COVID and has only escalated since – wars breaking out, the slow bleed of economic collapse, shameless price gouging, and the ever-tightening grip of authoritarianism.
We’re constantly under the cold, unflinching gaze of the surveillance state. Polarizing media narratives keep fueling division, dividing the people and baiting us toward civil unrest.
They won’t stop talking about “the next pandemic,” all while meddling with nature in reckless ways—gain-of-function experiments, self-replicating vaccines, and poisons in the air, water, and food.
And the worst part? They flaunt their power, making it painfully clear there’s nothing we can do to stop them.
Having brought their Covid series to an end, the globalist elite are moving onto their next phase. What’s next? The answer is mayhem. Total and utter mayhem.
We are barely one week into 2025 and already we have had terror attacks in America and direct-energy weapons orchestrating deadly wildfires in the heart of Los Angeles.
Make no mistake, these fires are not natural. They are the worst wildfires in LA history, and evidence is mounting that they were sparked by directed energy weapons deployed from Area 51.
Of course, Gavin Newsom has wasted no time blaming climate change, a more than convenient narrative for his Commiefornia government.
But there is just one problem. The wildfires are not behaving like normal fires. And they appear to be originating from Area 51 in Nevada, as In2ThinAir reports.
Just like before 9/11, major insurance companies seemed to know exactly what was coming, perfectly aligning their plans and pulling policies just before the fires devastated Los Angeles.
Insurance companies have now admitted to canceling fire policies on hundreds of thousands of homes in the Los Angeles area over the past few months, leaving countless families vulnerable and unprotected.
The mainstream media are desperate to dismiss these claims as conspiracy theories. But we now know for a fact that directed energy weapons are not conspiracy theories. They are conspiracy facts.
Just like in Maui, the areas hardest hit by the fires are those earmarked for transformation into 15-minute cities – projects pushed forward despite resistance from local homeowners.
The Palisades, the most devastated neighborhood, is not only set to host the 2028 Olympics but had already been designated as a future model smart city.
Now the land grab begins – and the global elite, led by WEF partners Blackrock and Vanguard, are leading the charge to acquire the land and begin building 15 minute cities.
In the months ahead, land owned by families for generations will be ripped away from them, stolen right from beneath their charred homes. And to add insult to injury, FEMA will offer them $70 as compensation.
The elite are brazen. They are not even trying to pretend this wasn’t a giant set up.
Governor Newsom blocked the release of vital water from mountain reservoirs, depriving firefighters of a critical resource. For over two decades, Democrats have refused to maintain fire mitigation systems or clear brush from high-risk areas, allowing these tinderboxes to grow unchecked.
Meanwhile, the Biden administration imposed a no-fly zone over LA, grounding state and local firefighting aircraft in the midst of the inferno.
Adding insult to injury, LA’s newly appointed DEI-focused fire chief openly stated her priority was enforcing diversity quotas—not fighting fires or managing disasters. This same chief supported slashing $17.5 million from the fire department’s budget.
Where is Mayor Karen Bass, you ask? She was in Ghana on a tax-payer funded junket while her city burned, refusing to address the crisis or even acknowledge the displaced victims upon her return.
To top it off, the LA City Council has spent the last two years diverting a significant portion of the firefighting budget—and even equipment—to Ukraine, leaving their own city woefully unprepared for this disaster.
This isn’t negligence; it’s a betrayal. And according to a WEF insider, its all by design and there is much worse to come.
The globalist war on our health went into overdrive with the Covid plandemic, and now the elite have reached the next phase of their long heralded plan.
In the occult beliefs held by the elite, fire is seen as a force of purification.

Fire and blood sacrifices have been performed for Moloch across various civilizations for centuries. Thanks to WikiLeaks emails, we know Hillary Clinton performed one in her back garden in 2016.
This dark occult practice was also mentioned in the Bible. Jeremiah chapter nineteen verse five reads: “They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal–something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind.”
The ancient practice of blood sacrifices hasn’t disappeared—it’s evolved.

Once, children were sacrificed to Baal in ancient Carthage, but now, in the age of mass media, the occult elite stages massive rituals designed to be witnessed by the entire world.
Why? To amplify their magickal potency and increase their power over humanity.
The LA wildfires are part of this plot against humanity, according to a WEF insider who warns that 2025 will be a year of carnage and chaos, and while you might think the year has started with a bang, you have not seen anything yet.
The globalist elite are actively poisoning us, shortening lifespans, and orchestrating a massive depopulation agenda—all while using these crises as a pretext to enforce draconian climate policies like lockdowns and punitive taxes.
Unnatural, directed wildfires are just one tool in their arsenal, giving the New World Order the perfect excuse to tighten their grip. According to Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry, the global elite are preparing to get even more “militant” in their push for control.
There’s no other way to interpret this—these are the unmistakable echoes of war drums.
Элита понимает, что больная и извращенная игра, в которую они играют с человечеством, приведет к хаосу и разрушениям.
Клаус Шваб уже много лет угрожает развязать катастрофические стихийные бедствия. Он предупредил нас много лет назад и посоветовал нам подготовиться к жизни в более злом мире.
План глобалистской элиты по Великой перезагрузке грозит тотальным крахом человеческой цивилизации такой, какой мы ее знаем. Это поворотный момент в истории, и против него мы должны восстать со всем, что у нас есть.
Здесь, на "Голосе народа", мы полны решимости продолжать разоблачать преступления элиты, но нам нужна ваша помощь. Подпишитесь на канал, распространите это видео повсюду и присоединяйтесь к Сообщество "Народный голос местных жителей" присоединиться к нашему замечательному сообществу и поддержать канал.
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