Президентские выборы в США были сфальсифицированы, чтобы гарантировать, что люди не выберут президента, по словам президента России Владимира Путина, который кропотливо составил 4000-страничный отчет, в котором судебно-медицински подробно описываются преступления Глубинного государства США и глобалистских элит.
По словам Путина, мировая элита считает, что последствия выборов в США слишком важны, чтобы позволить американскому народу решить исход, а в отчете на 4000 страниц Клаус Шваб, Барак Обама, Билл Гейтс, а также Джордж и Алекс Сорос указаны как соучастники. -заговорщики в заговоре против США.
Путин терпеливо собирал доказательства, но, по данным российских источников, теперь он считает, что настал момент разоблачить глобалистский обман и просветить общественность об истинной повестке дня элиты.
Прежде чем мы нырнем, подпишитесь на канал на Rumble, если вы еще этого не сделали, и присоединяйтесь к сообществу местных жителей "Голос народа" для эксклюзивных и не подвергающихся цензуре новостей и просмотров.
По мнению демократов и основных СМИ, фальсификаций на выборах не существует. На протяжении десятилетий преступления совершались на глазах у общественности, и любого, кто осмеливается возражать, называли “теоретиком заговора.”
In 2024, the truth is finally starting to emerge. Brave men and women all over the world are rejecting mainstream media brainwashing and refusing to submit to the diktats of the globalist elite.
All across the United States, and particularly in the swing states, citizens are having their vote taken away by the global elite who are determined to install the candidate of their choice.
As Nancy Pelosi said, Democrats are cold-blooded and they find ways to win the races that count.
Illegal ballot harvesting schemes are being used to rig elections across the country, with a forensic focus on key races that will determine the outcome of the November 5 election.
And as the people of the world continue to wake up to the crimes of the elite, the time has come for justice to be served.
According to Putin, the US election has been rigged and the global elite left their fingerprints all over the crime scene.
Democrats have been hiding in plain sight for years, running what Joe Biden described as the most extensive voter fraud organization in history.
Remember when Hillary Clinton introduced her good friend George Soros and explained his interest in US elections? That’s right, not US politics. US elections.
But thanks to people like yourself who have refused to be cowed in the face of blatant gaslighting and psychological manipulation, times are changing and we are destroying the propaganda machine.
People are waking up and demanding accountability. For the first time in modern history, we’re on the verge of real change, with investigations underway and justice finally within reach.
The Lancaster county board of elections just announced they have uncovered a major voter fraud scheme in crucial swing state Pennsylvania.
According to the Board, up to 2,500 fraudulent voter registration applications were dropped off in two batches shortly before the deadline.
Authorities believe a large scale criminal organization is behind this fraud, and the District Attorney has vowed to investigate and hold them responsible.
Barack Obama wasn’t joking when he told a campaign event in 2008 that Democrats control the voting machines.
Some things don’t change. Earlier this year, white hat hackers found vulnerabilities in voting machines used in US elections, but the authorities said there is not enough time before the election to do anything about it. Huh?!

Of course, mainstream media in the West is doing everything it can to suppress these reports and the news that voter fraud even exists.
The mainstream media has morphed into a domestic enemy of the United States working to destroy the Republic from within, and Barack Obama is directly responsible..
Obviously they forgot to tell the executives at Google who are on record boasting they have rigged 41 elections for the authoritarian global elite in the last 16 years.
For the record, Google executives met with Obama behind closed doors at the White House as astonishing 427 time during his presidency.
But of course, they could not have been discussing anything to do with using Google’s icy grip on information flows to influence elections – because as Democrats say, voter fraud doesn’t exist.
And obviously the Democrats responsible for maintaining the roll of 320,000 “ghost voters” actively registered to vote in November’s election in must-win Michigan, Detroit could not possibly be engaging in voter fraud.
Ghost voters are shadows who linger on voter rolls after their real inhabitants have either died or moved interstate. Without voter ID, anybody can show up and vote as a ghost voter – once, twice, or 320,000 times.
Democrats are resorting to a trick used by corrupt Zimbabwean election officials in 2008.
Remember, this is the party whose lawyers openly admit that if the DNC wants to ignore the votes in primary elections and pick their nominees in cigar smoke-filled back rooms, it is their legal right to do so.
The global elite are determined to select the next president while ignoring the votes of the people. They have already selected the Democratic nominee without bothering to run a primary election.
As far as they are concerned, the presidential election is next.
The system has been set up to allow maximum opportunity for fraud and now states including Arizona are saying that it could take 10 to 13 days to tabulate their votes, allowing plenty of time for more post-election rigging.

This is unacceptable and opens the door to fraud.
Taiwan just held their election. They require photo ID and use paper ballots. They hand-count the votes of each station one by one, in public view. There are no mail ballots. It’s all done in 6 hours.
These are critical times and here at TPV we are determined to expose the elite and hold them to account before its too late. Join us in our mission to wake up the masses by subscribing to the Rumble channel and joining the People’s Voice Locals community to join our amazing team. I hope to see you there.
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