Пять дней до бывшего президента Дональда Дж. Трамп подвергся обстрелу, президент-демократ Джо Байден заявил на телефонной конференции, что пришло время поставить Трампа на место “в яблочко.”
По словам репортера New York Times Кеннета Фогеля, который сообщил о тревожной цитате 8 июня, на телефонной конференции было слышно, как Байден убеждал доноров в том, что он по-прежнему остается надежной ставкой на президентские выборы.
As the New York Sun reported, Biden’s threat was met with “shrugs” by the liberal media, in contrast to the manufactured hysteria that met Trump’s use of the word “bloodbath” earlier this year.

While Trump was obviously speaking metaphorically and referring to the ballot box, it appears Biden’s “bullseye” message was based in reality.
Former President Donald J. Trump was rushed off stage by the US Secret Service on Saturday evening in Butler, Pennsylvania, after between eight and ten shots were fired, leaving him with blood on his face.
Eight to ten shots were fired at the president, according to early reports. One member of the crowd was shot and killed with another individual in a critical condition.
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