вторник, 18 июля 2023 г.

Видео: у немцев было это с экологическими протестующими, сидящими на дороге На нескольких видеороликах видно, как разъяренные водители чуть не сбили паникеров по климату, прежде чем их утащили с дороги.

 Обычные люди в Германии устали от терпимых климатических паникеров, сидящих на дороге и мешающих им заниматься своими повседневными делами. За последние несколько дней появилось несколько видеороликов, на которых водители едва не наезжают на «протестующих» и утаскивают их с дороги за волосы.

Экологи ухватились за тот факт, что в Европе жарко и солнечно (в разгар лета), чтобы еще больше извергнуть свою мантру о том, что миру вот-вот придет конец.

И делают они это, как обычно, сидя на дороге или даже приклеиваясь к дорогам.

В последнее время в Германии прошла волна таких протестов, но у людей их больше нет:

Доходит до того, что водители их практически сбивают:

Рано или поздно один из этих дебилов попадет под грузовик:

Другие впадали в истерику, когда пожарным приходилось тратить время на то, чтобы отклеить их от дороги:

Дальнобойщикам наплевать на этих идиотов:

Все остальные следуют его примеру:



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    Видео: Царь климата Джон Керри разоблачен как наглый лжец из-за использования частного самолета

    Утверждает, что не летает на частном самолете, а затем признает, что летал, действуя в качестве климатического царя Госдепартамента.


    Царь Байдена по климату Джон Керри в четверг устроил истерику во время слушаний в подкомитете Палаты представителей, когда депутат-республиканец упомянул о неоднократном использовании им частных самолетов.

    Представитель Кори Миллс (R-FL) сказал Керри: «Я надеюсь, что для вашей оперативной группы и вашего частного самолета добраться сюда не составило особых проблем».

    Керри не мог оставить комментарий без ответа.

    “I just don’t agree with your facts, which began with the presentation of one of the most outrageously persistent lies that I hear, which is this private jet,” he shot back.

    He then claimed “We don’t own a private jet. I don’t own a private jet. I personally have never owned a private jet. And obviously it’s pretty stupid to talk about coming in a private jet from the State Department up here. Honestly, if that’s where you want to go, go there.”

    Kerry has previously tried to wriggle out of questions over his private jet use:

    Earlier this year, Kerry also defended Davos elites who fly in on private jets, claiming they “offset” their emissions and further asserting that “they are working harder than most people I know to be able to try to effect this transition.”

    During Thursday’s hearing, another Republican, Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL), then followed up by reminding Kerry he was under oath and entering into the record a Fox News report from February that documented how Kerry’s family sold their private jet, a Gulfstream GIV-SP, to a New York based-hedge fund.

    Kerry then admitted that “Yes, my wife owned a plane and she sold the plane, I have flown on it,” but maintained that he does not fly on a private jet.

    When asked if he has ever done so since being in his current position for the past two and a half years, Kerry replied “possibly once.”

    Waltz then lectured Kerry that “When we are asking Americans to make serious sacrifices for the common good … that smacks of hypocrisy [and] it actually hurts your cause.”

    Subcommittee Chairman Brian Mast, R-Fla., then told Kerry that in his current role there has been no oversight or accountability of his work, noting “Every time you travel to a climate summit or King Charles’ coronation, or the wedding of the crown prince of Jordan, you’re supposed to document the carbon emissions generated by your trip, your office has failed to do so.”

    Kerry then threw another fit and refused to name his senior staff, asserting “I’m not going to go through them by name because that is not the required process of the State Department.”

    In recent days, Kerry has been traveling in Europe with Joe Biden as apart of a massive motorcade convoy that was brought on huge cargo planes, as well as flying around in helicopters from place to place to have meetings about the climate crisis with foreign leaders.


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    Even NOAA “Runs Away” From ‘Hottest Day Ever’ Claim After Media Hysteria

    SimpleImages / Getty Images

    Last week the global warming industry and its corporate media cheerleaders made a concerted effort to declare July 3-4 the hottest days on Earth ever. Media outlets like ABC, The New York Times, Axios, and Bloomberg each cited the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer computer model, which has since been questioned. 

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) told AP News, “Although NOAA cannot validate the methodology or conclusion of the University of Maine analysis, we recognize that we are in a warm period due to climate change.” 

    In response to NOAA throwing cold water on the model’s unverifiable findings, environmental attorney Steve Milloy tweeted:

    “NOAA runs away from ‘hottest day’ claim.” 

    On Friday evening, The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by Milloy titled “Hottest Days Ever? Don’t Believe It.”

    “One obvious problem with the updated narrative is that there are no satellite data from 125,000 years ago. Calculated estimates of current temperatures can’t be fairly compared with guesses of global temperature from thousands of years ago,” Milloy wrote.

    Despite concerns about the model’s reliability, Axios’ Thursday headline read, “Earth sees three hottest days on record,” while Bloomberg ran with “The World Recorded Its Hottest Days Ever This Week.” 

    Heads of the global warming industry have spent the last three decades frantically running around the globe in private jets, prophesying how the world would imminently end because of emissions from fossil fuel engines. 

    Al Gore

    Michael Bloomberg

    In 2018, remember, climate alarmist child Greta Thunburg tweeted some ‘scientist’ who claimed “all of humanity” would be “wiped out” unless “we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.” 

    We’re still typing and using fossil fuels — the world has not ended. Last week, we noted, “New Month, Another Movement: Corporate Media Refocuses Energy On Climate Doom.” 

    Full disclosure, we don’t discount climate change because the climate has been constantly changing for 4.54 billion years. 

    Last week was a media blitz campaign by the global warming industry to push ‘misinformation’ with a model that even NOAA has warned is not dependable.

    This post was originally published at Zero Hedge



    It’s All a Massive Con

    Fake climate change data.



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