суббота, 14 декабря 2024 г.

Jay Z назван ‘Prime Suspect’ В ‘Snuff Daddy’ Дело как след мертвых детей, обнаруженных

 На этой неделе новость о том, что Jay-Z предстанет перед судом вместе с Шоном “Diddy” Комбсом за предполагаемое изнасилование маленького ребенка, вызвала шок по всему миру, но не для наших зрителей.

В Народный голос, мы уже не первый месяц проливаем свет на эти темные подводные течения, держась далеко впереди попыток мейнстримовых СМИ скрыть правду. Пока другие молчат, мы глубоко ныряем, разоблачая истории, которые они отказываются рассказывать.

Основные средства массовой информации, даже сейчас, не расскажет вам полную историю.

На протяжении десятилетий Jay-Z и Бейонсе тщательно создавали свой имидж, используя обожающие средства массовой информации, чтобы скрыть свои секреты. Но теперь вуаль соскальзывает.

За блеском и гламуром скрывается тревожная истинная преданность, пропитанная тьмой, с заявлениями о люциферианских практиках, жертвоприношениях детей и следе трупов с участием тех, кто пересекся.

Пристегнитесь, пока мы раскрываем ложь, анализируем обвинения и рассказываем вам историю, которую должен услышать мир.

Прежде чем мы нырнем, подпишитесь на канал на Rumble, если вы еще этого не сделали, и присоединяйтесь к сообществу "Голос народа" присоединиться к нашему невероятному сообществу и поддержать канал.

The tide has turned. The whispers are growing louder, and this from this point on, there’s no hiding the truth.

A-list celebrities, athletes, and politicians are trembling as the Diddy scandal expands, threatening to unravel their careers and send them to prison for decades.

The web of corruption is tightening, and as we warned the world, it was only a matter of time before Jay-Z would be knocked off his high horse. Now, he’s being dragged kicking and screaming into the chaos, facing the very real consequences of his alleged involvement in the scandal that threatens to topple his empire.

Here’s a question for your trivia night: Who is the elusive connection tying together notorious names like Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Hillary Clinton, R. Kelly, and Sean “Diddy” Combs?

Jaguar Wright, the 90s soul sensation, has been raising the alarm for years.

Jay-Z has been hiding in plain sight, despite being closely connected with every villain to receive their comeuppance in recent years.

Given the nature of his connections, Jay-Z rapping with the Satanist and Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic, a close friend of Bill Gates, Zelensky and the late Jacob Rothschild, suddenly makes perfect sense.

According to Jaguar Wright, who has both personal and professional experience dealing with Jay-Z and Diddy, Jay-Z is actually much worse than Diddy because he’s careful and calculating.

As Jaguar understands, there is no such thing as luck or coincidence when it comes to the entertainment industry elite.

The Luciferian elite, a tightly-knit network, has always been obsessed with signs and symbols, using them as tools to maintain control and influence.

But this obsession, while powerful, will be their downfall.

The very symbols they rely on to signal their power have started to unravel, exposing their hidden motives and making it easier for the public to see through their façade. 

British rapper MIA recently blew the whistle on what she was expected to do when she signed for Jay-Z’s Roc-A-Fella Records.

Unsurprisingly, it involved undergoing plastic surgery to become an Illuminati beta kitten, and selling her soul to the devil by engaging in Satanic rituals.

Keep these details in mind when you learn about what happened to the underage wannabe Rihanna, who was allegedly trafficked across international borders by Jay-Z, before Roc-A-Fella paid her father millions to keep quiet about the abuse she had to suffer to become a star.

The details are coming up right after the break, including chilling allegations about the number of dead bodies—including children—and a number of high-profile figures the Carters and Diddy have allegedly left in their wake.

There’s a reason they once called him “Snuff Daddy.” 

According to an industry whistleblower who was employed by both Diddy and Jay-Z in the early 2000s, the number of dead bodies connected to the pair numbers in the high hundreds, and possibly thousands.

Prominent figures like Michael Jackson and Aaliyah tragically met their untimely deaths, seemingly tied to the ambitions of figures like Diddy and Jay-Z. But it’s not just about high-profile names—hundreds of missing children have reportedly been sacrificed in twisted rituals linked to Satanic practices.

As disturbing as it may sound, these dark connections between the entertainment industry and these sinister activities are becoming harder to ignore. The more you dig, the clearer it becomes that a hidden network, driven by power and greed, is pulling the strings behind the scenes.

This is why recent revelations regarding the case against Combs are disturbing to say the least.

The cover-up of Jeffrey Epstein’s child trafficking network and the grand jury now investigating Sean “Diddy” Combs—share one central figure: Andre Damian Williams Jr.

With a long history linking him to John Kerry’s presidential campaign and DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe, some say Williams Jr is more interested in protecting elite interests than pursuing justice.

In Epstein’s case, Williams oversaw a grand jury that controversially indicted Ghislaine Maxwell on just one count of child trafficking and a few minor charges—without naming a single client. Officially, Maxwell trafficked children to nobody.

Now, with Williams leading the investigation into Diddy, and James Comey’s daughter being deployed to oversee the case, the same pattern of secrecy and elite protection looms large.

For the record, Maurene Comey formally requested that a judge keep Jeffrey Epstein’s “top-secret” client list under lock and key.

It’s one big club, their victims are legion, and in the name of justice and public trust, we cannot allow them to continue the cover up.

Примечательно, что у Jay-Z может быть гораздо больше секретов, чем у сатанинских ритуалов, вечеринок Diddy Freak Off и предполагаемого сексуального насилия над детьми.

Те, кто в курсе, спрашивают, что случилось с Кэти Уайт, его молодой беременной любовницей, которая пропала без вести через 24 часа после того, как пригрозила обнародовать свою беременность и разрушить репутацию Jay-Z.

Помните, Канье публично сказал Jay-Z и Хиллари Клинтон не посылать за ним своих убийц?

Учитывая то, что мы теперь знаем о Леброне Джеймсе, Jay-Z и Бейонсе, все это заставляет задуматься, может, Канье все-таки не был таким сумасшедшим.

Здесь, на "Голосе народа", мы полны решимости продолжать разоблачать элиту, но нам нужна ваша помощь. Подпишитесь на канал на Rumble и присоединяйтесь к Сообщество "Народный голос местных жителей" присоединиться к нашей замечательной команде и получить доступ к эксклюзивному контенту без цензуры. Надеюсь увидеть тебя там.


Бакстер Дмитрий
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