суббота, 16 ноября 2024 г.

Правительство Нидерландов не признало пандемию ‘Военная Psy-Op’ Для подготовки публики к ‘Экстремальная депопуляция’

 Это важное событие, которое потенциально может повлиять на судебный процесс над Биллом Гейтс’ в Нидерландах, голландский правительственный чиновник сообщил, что пандемия Covid была организована как “военная операция.”

Чиновник далее признал, что на протяжении всей пандемии страна действовала по прямому приказу НАТО.

По словам правительственного чиновника, пандемия разыгралась в соответствии с скоординированной закулисной стратегией, предполагающей, что принудительные прививки и жестокие карантины не имеют ничего общего со здравоохранением и связаны с продвижением скрытой программы.

Эта новость является серьезной неудачей для Билла Гейтса и генерального директора Pfizer Альберта Бурлы, которые оба находятся под судом в Нидерландах и сталкиваются с обвинениями в введении общественности в заблуждение относительно вакцин против Covid.

Прежде чем мы нырнем, подпишитесь на канал на Rumble, если вы еще этого не сделали, присоединяйтесь к сообществу "Голос народа" чтобы присоединиться к нашей невероятной команде.

Роберт Ф. Кеннеди-младший предупредил нас, что пандемия Covid - это военная операция и биологическое оружие, и мы распространили эту новость повсюду, чтобы пробудить спящие массы и вытолкнуть овчарку из психоза их массового формирования.

Естественно, ведущие СМИ перешли в движение, включив RFK и заклеймив нас как “теоретиков заговора” и хуже. Они пытались заставить нас замолчать, утверждая, что мы распространяем то, что они назвали “опасной дезинформацией.”

This is exactly what happens when you are over the target.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before the mainstream media was proved wrong yet again, and the so-called conspiracy theorists were able to chalk up another victory in the war for truth and justice.

This week the Dutch Health Minister made the earth-shattering announcement parliament that Covid was a military operation and the Dutch government were taking orders from NATO, the United States, and various intelligence agencies.

Don’t let the casual tone fool you. This is a major admission from a very senior member of a WEF-infiltrated government and it is set to have very serious consequences for Gates and Bourla and their trials in the Netherlands where they stand accused of killing and maiming millions of people.

The global elite have been lying to humanity every step of the way, about every detail, as part of an effort to terrorize the masses into compliance.

There is just one problem for Schwab and his co-conspirators in government cabinets and Big Pharma board rooms in global capitals. Millions of people around the world did not fall for the swindle and we are forensically examining the crime scene.

Gates and Bourla’s trial in the Netherlands is just the start. With the incoming Trump administration resolute in holding them accountable for their actions, this time Trump has the team he needs to deal a serious blow to the globalists’ New World Order agenda.

This is why we’re now facing the most intense assault since the early days of the COVID pandemic. We must stay focused and united to overcome these devastating, multi-pronged attacks.

Make no mistake, Covid was a strictly choreographed military and intelligence operation on behalf of the global elite to enslave the human race.

Unfortunately, the pandemic was only the first phase of the great psy-op.

With sovereign nations under attack from all angles by the global elite’s agencies including the WEF and the WHO, it has never been more important to remember what they did to us.

The once proud nation of Australia has been completely infiltrated by the globalist elite, receiving praise from Bill Gates for managing the pandemic precisely as directed by these powerful interests.

In other words, Australia has become the testing ground for the New World Order.

Why hasn’t Victorian Premier Dan Andrews been sent to prison for his crimes against the people?

Prosecutions are necessary because the elite have become so arrogant they are now boasting about their victory over humanity in public forums.

Never forget what this Bayer executive admitted in front of the camera.

Not only does he admit the mRNA vaccines are “gene therapy” that irrevocably alter the DNA of humanity forever, he also admits that the gene therapy was marketed as vaccines to gain public trust, and humanity was coerced into agreeing to take the shots.

These people are dangerous psychopaths with god complexes, and they need to be stopped before they get the chance to unleash a second pandemic—something Bill Gates himself has repeatedly hinted is on the way.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been warning us for years that Gates is exactly the kind of psycho to play God with the human race. In fact, that is Gates’ whole modus operandi.

Gates is not the only one.

This is a real unedited clip of Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, receiving a line of questioning he doesn’t appreciate. Notice anything strange?

Just wait until he’s in the dock being questioned about maiming and killing millions.

The global elite have proved that there is no crime too great or grievous for them to commit as part of their plan to depopulate the world and enslave humanity.

The Covid vaccine and pandemic were in the works for years. How do we know? Bill Gates has a history of leaving clues about what was about to happen. He also invested hundreds of millions in BioNTech just months before the pandemic.

The elite also left their finger prints all over a trail of forty dead scientists, all of whom worked for the US government in the years before the pandemic, and all of whom were in a position to blow the whistle on the Covid psy-op.

Some were found stabbed to death in the trunk of cars and some wrapped their vehicles around trees after their brake fluid mysteriously disappeared.

We have endured some of humanity’s darkest days, and it’s vital we stay united in our mission to remove these tyrants from power. Those responsible for this global upheaval must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Здесь, на "Голосе народа", мы полны решимости продолжать разоблачать элиту, но сами этого сделать не можем. Подпишитесь на канал и присоединяйтесь к Сообщество "Народный голос местных жителей" чтобы поддержать канал, присоединяйтесь к нашей замечательной команде и получите доступ к эксклюзивному контенту без цензуры. Надеюсь увидеть тебя там.


Бакстер Дмитрий
О Бакстере Дмитрий6530 статей
Бакстер Дмитрий - писатель "Голоса народа". Он освещает политику, бизнес и развлечения. Говоря правду власти с тех пор, как он научился говорить, Бакстер объездил более 80 стран и выиграл споры во всех. Жить без страха.

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