пятница, 8 ноября 2024 г.

Япония официально назвала вакцину мРНК Covid ‘самым смертоносным препаратом в истории человечества’

 В ошеломляющей декларации японские ученые назвали вакцины против COVID-19 самым смертоносным препаратом в истории медицины, утверждая, что лица, ответственные за этот глобальный кризис здравоохранения, должны быть привлечены к ответственности.

Недавние исследования выявили тревожные связи между мРНК-вакцинами от COVID и значительными всплесками более чем двухсот самых смертоносных заболеваний в мире.

Передовые исследователи Японии выносят серьезное предупреждение: эти вакцины отрицательно влияют на все мыслимые аспекты здоровья человека. Поскольку эти связи теперь появляются по всему миру, последствия ошеломляют. Возможно, вы заметили тенденцию людей, которые... ну, умер внезапно.

Пока Билл Гейтс и генеральный директор Pfizer Альберт Бурла готовятся предстать перед судом в Нидерландах, ведущие ученые-медики Японии сплачиваются за справедливость, требуя привлечения к ответственности тех, кто организовал внедрение мРНК-вакцины против COVID-19.

Прежде чем мы нырнем, подпишитесь на канал на Rumble, если вы еще этого не сделали, и присоединяйтесь к сообществу "Голос народа" присоединиться к нашему невероятному сообществу и поддержать канал.

Ведущие медицинские эксперты Японии пошли на запись, обозначив вакцины “яд” и описывая глобальную кампанию вакцинации как “современная резня.”

Во время экстренной пресс-конференции, проведенной ведущими медицинскими экспертами и членами японского парламента, группа уважаемых медицинских экспертов вышла на сцену, чтобы предупредить общественность о красном коде.

Sharing the results of a “shocking” systematic review of research papers that spanned six months of rigorous investigations into the side effects of the COVID mRNA shots, the experts called out Big Pharma for continuing the slaughter and warned the world about the new replicon vaccines.

The Japanese understand that Big Pharma giants who control the Western media will not allow any of their findings to be presented in the mainstream media.

Even worse, social media is complicit in the cover up, desperately attempting to censor and control anybody who shares real information about the crime of the century

According to Japanese researchers, Covid vaccines are officially the most deadly drug in the history of Western medicine, killing and injuring hundreds of millions of people around the world as the fallout continues to snowball.

While previous deadly drugs caused enormous scandals in their day – think of Thalidomide, for instance – here in the Western world, nobody is allowed to talk about the fact experimental mRNA vaccines have killed an extraordinary number of people.

As the Japanese are saying, Big Pharma and the global elite have blood on their hands and they are using mainstream media to whitewash and cover up the crime of the century.

The Covid cabal cannot be allowed to get away with this crime – especially when Pfizer’s own documents reveal the hidden truth about the shocking extent of the carnage.

World-renowned OBGYN physician Dr. James Thorp has blown the whistle on the massive cover-up, warning the public about the disturbing numbers that governments, Big Pharma and the mainstream media are working overtime to keep hidden from the public.

Thalidomide was recalled in the early 1960s after it caused deformities in 10,000 children. In stark contrast, authorities opted not to recall the COVID mRNA vaccines, despite the alarming figures reported during the initial rollout.

In the first ten weeks alone, there were an astonishing 42,086 reported casualties—and that’s only the figure the authorities admitted to.

As Dr. Thorp said, “if you calculate the injured-to-kill ratio, it’s unprecedented in warfare and medicine.”

Despite the carnage, the elite are pressing full steam ahead with their plans to continue pumping humans full of mRNA.

Unelected world health czar Bill Gates may be facing trial in the Netherlands for lying about the Covid vaccines and destroying people’s health, but he’s still shamelessly beating the drum for his new generation of injectibles, claiming that mRNA will solve every problem known to man.

Disturbingly, Gates also revealed that they plan to use “little patches” and mosquitoes instead of needles, meaning people won’t even realize they’ve been “vaccinated” with his favorite gene therapy product.

This document proves that Pfizer’s experimental mRNA vaccine is not only the deadliest drug ever rolled out, it is also, as Dr. Thorp explained earlier, the most injurious drug in human history.

For every death, more than 33 people have been injured by the vaccine. Remember this is Pfizer’s own data.

To truly understand the gravity of this medical holocaust, we have to place it in the context of history.

The first column shows the damage caused by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. There were about 94,000 injured and 105,000 killed for an injure-to-kill ratio of approximately 0.9.

Now look at the middle column – Thalidomide. Before mRNA, Thalidomide was the deadliest drug in the history of medicine. The word still sends shivers down spines and rightfully so. Yet compared to the mRNA vaccines, Thalidomide was nothing. There were 20,000 injuries and 80,000 deaths for an injure-to-kill ratio of 0.25.

Now fast forward to 2021 and Pfizer’s experimental mRNA. They have killed 17 million global citizens. And these are just the ones they have admitted to.

Now, remember this drug is not only the most deadly in world history, it is by far the most injurious. So how do we work out the official Pfizer-admitted number of global injuries caused by their mRNA vaccine?

The injure-to-kill ratio is 33.4 to 1. Multiply 33.4 by 17 million, the number of official dead, and that makes 567 million global citizens that have been injured.

Add the number of dead and injured together for a total of 585 million global citizens killed and maimed by Pfizer.

If you have ever wondered if what happened in Nazi Germany could ever happen again, the last 4 years basically answered your question.

Most people were on the side of the Nazis.

Take Chris Cuomo, for instance. The former CNN hack spent the pandemic shilling for Pfizer and urging Americans to get vaccinated, boosted, wear masks, and obey every authoritarian order the government issued.

Like Anderson Cooper, he was on the Big Pharma-sponsored gravy train.

Fast forward three years and Cuomo, now on News Nation, finally understands he was just another useful idiot.

When you consider the global elite are still marching ahead with their plan to vaccinate the entire world with multiple doses of deadly mRNA for every conceivable ailment, it is clear that they must face justice in the form of crimes against humanity trials.

The evidence emerging from Japan and the trials set to take place in the Netherlands are just the beginning. We have a monumental task ahead of us to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice.

Здесь, на "Голосе народа", мы полны решимости продолжать разоблачать преступления мировой элиты, но нам нужна ваша помощь. Подпишитесь на канал, расскажите о нас своим друзьям и семье и присоединяйтесь к Сообщество "Народный голос местных жителей" для эксклюзивного и нецензурированного контента. Без тебя не обойтись.


Бакстер Дмитрий
О Бакстере Дмитрий6505 статей
Бакстер Дмитрий - писатель "Голоса народа". Он освещает политику, бизнес и развлечения. Говоря правду власти с тех пор, как он научился говорить, Бакстер объездил более 80 стран и выиграл споры во всех. Жить без страха.

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